News & Events

Book Display: Personal Financial Management
書展 : 個人理財

02 Nov 2015

A book display and a quiz will be held by CPCE Libraries in November 2015. This book display is part of the Reading@CPCE 2015-16, which is jointly organised by HKCC, SPEED, SLLC and the CPCE Libraries.

The book display and quiz – “Personal Financial Management” is from 9 – 21 November 2015. Please join the book display and quiz at HHB and WK Libraries. Find out answers and fill the quiz form, insert the form into the collection box at one of the CPCE Libraries by 21 November 2015. You will be eligible to enter a draw if all your answers are correct. Ten winners will get HK$50 coffee coupon each.

Enjoy reading and win a prize!

CPCE Libraries


專業及持續教育學院圖書館在十一月為你舉辦了一個書展及問答遊戲。此書展是Reading@CPCE 2015-16其中之一項活動。 Reading@CPCE 2015-16 活動是由香港專上學院、專業進修學院、自學語言中心及專業及持續教育學院圖書館聯合舉辦。

書展及問答遊戲活動 “個人理財” 將於十一月九日至二十一日舉行,歡迎蒞臨紅磡灣或西九龍校園圖書館參與。問答遊戲參加者只需答對所有問題,並於十一月二十一日或之前放入圖書館的收集箱内,將可參加抽獎。得獎者十位,各獲得五十元咖啡禮券。

