News & Events
News & Events
CPCE Libraries Opening Hours from 25 Nov 2020 until further notice
24 Nov 2020Mon - Fri | : 9:00 am - 9:00 pm (HHB & WK) |
Sat | : 10:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Sun & Public Holiday | : Closed |
Staff and students are reminded of the following:
1. A surgical face mask should be worn properly inside the library at any time
2. Library materials should be returned via the Book Drops at both Libraries
3. To keep a safe social distance, the number of seats for each table is reduced. Please
do not move the tables and chairs around as they are purposely set with the distance apart
4. The number of users allowed to stay inside a Group Study Room shall adhere to the
Prohibition on Group Gathering Regulation. For better ventilation, the door of the Group
Study Room should remain open during use
5. The Library Electronic Resources will continue its service at any time on- and off-campus
For further information, please call 37460850 (HHB Library) or 37460860 (WK Library) during library opening hours.
CPCE Libraries