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News & Events
Book Display: Youth Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur
書展 : 青年創業
02 Feb 2016
Partnering with CSAO, CPCE Libraries is pleased to organize the book display “Youth Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur” from 15 February – 11 March 2016 at HHB and WK Libraries.
During the book display, over 400 books will be displayed on this topic. Besides, you can participate in our quiz by filling the quiz form and put it in the collection box at HHB or WK Library on or before 11 March 2016. 20 winners with correct answers will be drawn and awarded HK$50 Commercial Press book voucher* each.
Come and visit the book display, get great business idea and win a prize!
CPCE Libraries
* Book vouchers are kindly sponsored by the Commercial Press.
專業及持續教育學院圖書館與CPCE學生事務處(CSAO)合作,於二月十五日至三月十一日在紅磡灣及西九龍圖書館舉辦 “青年創業” 書展。
參觀書展,除獲得出色的創業理念, 更可贏取獎品!
* 書券由商務印書館贊助