News & Events

Audio Reading Award Scheme

22 Sep 2017

The objectives of the award scheme include 1) to build a good foundation for academic development; 2) to strengthen students’ listening skills and 3) to encourage students to read through Naxos Spoken Word Library and recommended listening materials from Self-learning Language materials (English) at SLLC. 

Scheme Details

You are encouraged to read regularly and widely throughout your academic study, and you are required:

  • to choose audio materials from Virtual Self-learning Language Centre Moodle page (English): (1) NAXOS Spoken Word Library (2) American Stores for English Learners or 3) Audio Ghost Stories in The Moonlit Road [e.g. Railroad Bill: Alabama Spooky Story/ The Spirit of Thomas Lester Mississippi Rose/ The Slave Girl]
  • to pick audio stories from the above suggested materials that last not less than 30 minutes in total

(e.g. if the first audio story lasts for 15 minutes, then you need to pick another audio story that lasts for at least 15 minutes).

For students who picked Audio Ghost Stories in The Moonlit Road, the length for all the three audio stories (i.e. Railroad Bill: Alabama Spooky Story + The Spirit of Thomas Lester Mississippi Rose +The Slave Girl) will be counted as 30 minutes in total.

  • to write an online 300-word reflection after listening to your chosen audio story(ies) and submit it through Virtue Self-learning Language (SLLC) (English) Moodle page.

This activity will be organized once every semester and submission deadlines will be on 17/11/2017 (Semester 1) and 13/4/2018 (Semester 2). A student can join this activity once every academic year.


  1. A personalised Certificate will be awarded to you after you have completed the reflection(s).
  2. Gift coupons up to $250 will be given to winners of the “Best Reflections” and writers of the shortlisted “Quality Reflections”.
  3. Participants of SLLC activities can earn points for “English Enhancement Award Scheme 2017-18” to win Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards. 


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