Book Highlights - Communication Skills 溝通技巧 (Jul - Aug 2023)

e-Books / Printed Books

A) e-Books

No. Title / Author Call No.
1 1分鐘高效表達術, 讓你說話不再被當空氣! : 學會這樣說, 再也沒有行不通的事、叫不動的人 / 沖本るり子著 ; 陳光棻譯.
2 Amazon故事公關行銷學 : 向亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯學習溝通技巧 優化企業和個人品牌價值 / 小西美沙緒著 ; 賴詩韻譯.
3 Communicating effectively in the workforce / by Lisa Polack.
4 Communication : a house seen from everywhere / Igor E. Klyukanov.
5 Communicology : mutations in human relations? / Vilém Flusser ; edited by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes ; with a foreword by Katherine Hayles.
6 Effective strategies for communicating insights in business / [edited by] Ross Jackson, Amanda Reboulet.
7 Happy happy溝通力 : 瑞典知名談判專家傳授最強說話術, 讓彼此化解歧見, 達成共識, 共創未來 / 拉斯-約翰.艾格著 ; 胡琦君譯 = Happy happy : fem steg för att komma överens med vem som helst / Lars-Johan Åge.
8 Human communication : origins, mechanisms and functions / Edited by Maria D. Sera, Melissa Koenig.
9 IBM首席顧問最受歡迎的圖表簡報術 : 69招視覺化溝通技巧, 提案、企畫、簡報一次過關! / 清水久三子著 ; 黃友玫譯.
10 Introducing communication : perspectives, assumptions, and implications / Amardo Rodriguez.
11 Mentoring and communication : theories and practices / edited by Diana Trebing and Ahmet Atay.
12 NLP來自潛意識的語言力量 : 掌握主導權的14種說話模式 / 雪兒.羅斯.夏爾凡著 ; 高子梅譯 = Words that change minds : the 14 patterns for mastering the language of influence, third edition / Shelle Rose Charvet.
13 OJT讓員工成為即戰力 : 雙向溝通建立信賴感, 讓員工自動在線, 不再輕易提離職! / 松下直子著 ; 長縄キヌエ插畫 ; 李友君譯.
14 做對四件事, 成為商業溝通高手 / 關家莉著.
15 問話絕技 : 問話能力, 就是「解決問題」的能力 : 引導套話、溝通說服、掌控全局, 一定要學會 / 松本幸夫著 ; 郭欣怡譯.
16 圖像溝通的法則 / 馬克.愛德華茲著 ; 倪振豪譯 = The visual communications book : using words, drawings and whiteboards to sell big ideas / Mark Edwards.
17 好問 : 化異見為助力的關鍵說服力 / 特雷.高迪著 ; 陳珮榆譯 = Doesn't hurt to ask : using the power of questions to communicate, connect, and persuade / Trey Gowdy.
18 成为真正会表达的人 / 李世强著.
19 把話說清楚的35堂邏輯表達課 / 深澤真太郎著 ; 李璦祺譯.
20 沟通的艺术 / [德]米苏夫人(Madame Missou)作 ; 张影译.
21 深度說服力 : 培養11項讓人打從心底認同你的人格特質 / 傑森哈里斯著 ; 張美惠譯 = The soulful art of persuasion : the 11 habits that will make anyone a master influencer / Jason Harris.
22 漫畫 贏得好人緣的人際關係心理學 : 60個突破關係困境技巧, 從內到外提升自信, 輕鬆擺脫社交恐懼症 / YUUKI YUU監修 ; 二尋鴇彥繪 ; 謝敏怡譯.
23 社交零距離 : 說話高手實戰手冊 / 鐘偉誠.
24 精準回饋 : 提升團隊績效, 改善溝通的超能力 / 譚拉.錢德勒, 蘿拉.道林.葛利希著 ; 周怡伶譯 = Feedback (and other dirty words) : why we fear it, how to fix it / M. Tamra Chandler, Laura Dowling Grealish.
25 精準提問 : 找到問題解方、培養創意思維、發揮專業影響力的16個提問心法 / 洪震宇作.
26 精準表達、完美場控的誘導說服術 / 樺旦純著 ; 羊恩媺譯.
27 職場談判 = Workplace negotiation / 張國忠著.
28 聽懂暗示, 回話暖心的聰明接話術 : 內向、口拙、說話緊張, 都改善的「萬用話庫一百則」 / 山口拓朗著 ; 林麗櫻譯.
29 說話的分寸 : 說好話, 不如把話說好的7個要訣 = Talking skills 7 tips / 萬劍聲編著.
30 說話致富 : 27個讓金錢與人氣聚集在身邊, 價值一億元的溝通技巧 / 岡崎勉明著 ; 林信帆譯.
31 豐田の溝通, 比JIT更強的管理利器 : 不怯場一分鐘報告法, 主管再忙都有空詳談, 帶出敢發問、敢挑戰、敢求救的幹才。 / 山本大平著 ; 黃雅慧譯.
32 贏在溝通力 : 到哪都受歡迎的4門溝通課 / 勵活課程講師群作.
33 逆向思維 : 讓他人說Yes的交涉力與說服力! 把一切都變成積極的構思-逆轉思考力! / 林郁主編.
34 逆向思維說話術 : 如何將No變成Yes的說話技巧 / 林郁主編.
35 Communication / Emily Anderson. BF637.C45 A54 2021eb
36 Communication and relationship maintenance / Marianne Dainton, Scott A. Myers. BF637.C45 D356 2020eb
37 Body language for leaders : use rhetoric & psychology, improve gestures & facial expressions, control non-nerbal communication & physical signals, learn apperance effect & charisma / Simone Janson, [editor]. BF637.N66 B63 2022eb
38 Social intelligence and nonverbal communication / Robert J. Sternberg, Aleksandra Kostić, editors. BF637.N66 S635 2020eb
39 Helping children to build communication skills : photocopiable activity booklet to support wellbeing and resilience / Deborah A. Plummer ; illustrated by Alice Harper. BF723.C57 P58 2022eb
40 Amplify your influence : transform how you communicate and lead / René Rodriguez. BF774 .R637 2022eb
41 Teen's guide to face to face connections in a screen-to-screen world : 40 tips to meaningful communication / Jonathan McKee & Alyssa McKee. BJ2121 .M45 2020eb
42 The riches of intercultural communication. Volume 1, Interactive, contrastive, and cultural representational approaches / by Roselinde Supheert, Gandolfo Cascio, Jan D. ten Thije. GN345.6 .S86 2023eb
43 Speaking management : how to spot language traps and resolve contested management terms / Stephen Keith McGrath. HD30.17 .M34 2021eb
44 Strategic corporate communication : core concepts for managing your career and your clients' brands / Ross Brinkert, Lisa V. Chewning. HD30.3 .B756 2021eb
45 How to listen and how to be heard : inclusive conversations at work / Alissa Carpenter. HD30.3 .C377 2020eb
46 Strategic internal communication : a practitioner's guide to implementing cutting-edge methods for improved workplace culture / Susanne Dahlman and Mats Heide. HD30.3 .D326 2021eb
47 Enhancing intercultural communication in organizations : insights from project advisers / edited by Roos Beerkens, Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman, Roselinde Supheert, and Jan Ten Thije. HD30.3 .E54 2020eb
48 Ethics in business communication : new challenges in the digital world / Verónica González-Araujo, Roberto-Carlos Álvarez-Delgado, Ángel Sancho-Rodríguez, [editors]. HD30.3 .E845 2020eb
49 Can we talk? : seven principles for managing difficult conversations at work / Roberta Chinsky Matuson. HD30.3 .M388 2022eb
50 Origins and traditions of organizational communication : a comprehensive introduction to the field / edited by Anne M. Nicotera. HD30.3 .O65 2020eb
51 Communicate with mastery : how to speak with conviction and write for impact / by JD Schramm, with Kara Levy. HD30.3 .S365 2020eb
52 Communication and catastrophic events : strategic risk and crisis management / edited by H. Dan O'Hair, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY and Mary John O'Hair, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. HD49 .C658 2023eb
53 Crisis communication strategies : how to prepare in advance, respond effectively and recover in full / Amanda Coleman. HD49.3 .C65 2020eb
54 Crisis communication / edited by Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen. HD49.3 .C75 2020eb
55 Crisis communication : managing stakeholder relationships / Audra Diers-Lawson. HD49.3 .D547 2020eb
56 Social media and crisis communication / edited by Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin. HD49.3 .S63 2022eb
57 Crisis communications management / by Adrian Wheeler. HD49.3 .W44 2019eb
58 A practical guide to soft skills : communication, psychology, and ethics for your professional life / Richard Almonte. HF5381.15 .A56 2022eb
59 Business communication today / Courtland L. Bovée, John V. Thill. HF5718 .B66 2021eb
60 Exploring relationships in business and professional communication : an anthology / edited by William J. Taylor. HF5718 .E95 2021eb
61 HBR's 10 must reads on communication. vol. 2 [electronic resource]. HF5718 .H34 2021eb
62 Connect Relate Motivate : Master Communication in Any Situation / by Rik Rushton. HF5718 .R87 2020eb
63 Workplace communication / edited by Leena Mikkola and Maarit Valo. HF5718 .W67 2020eb
64 Essentials of communication skill and skill enhancement : a primer for students and professionals / John O. Greene. HM1111 .G74 2021eb
65 Communication, meaning, and identity: : moving toward discovery / Cam Caldwell. HM1166 .C358 2020eb
66 The social skills handbook : practical activities for social communication / Sue Hutchings. HM691 .H883 2020eb
67 The Routledge handbook of family communication / edited by Anita L. Vangelisti. HQ519 .R68 2022eb
68 Communicate for a change : revitalizing conversations for higher education / Lori Carrell and Robert Zemsky. LA227.4 .C368 2021eb
69 The digital scholar : academic communication in multimedia environment / Irena Vassileva [and 3 others], [editors]. LB1028.3 .D545 2020eb
70 The communication effect : how to enhance learning by building ideas and bridging information gaps / Jeff Zwiers. LB1033.5 .Z949 2020eb
71 Relationship-rich education : how human connections drive success in college / Peter Felten and Leo M. Lambert. LB2343.4 .F45 2020eb
72 Enriching collaboration and communication in online learning communities / Carolyn N. Stevenson, Purdue University Global, USA, Joanna C. Bauer, Claremont Lincoln University, USA. LC5803.C65 E57 2020eb
73 Communication skills for the health care professional : context, concepts, practice, and evidence / Gwen van Servellen. R727.3 .V36 2020eb

B) Printed Books

No. Title / Author Call No.
1 Interconnections : interpersonal communication, foundations and contexts / Jonathan M. Bowman. BF637.C45 B69 2019
2 The handbook of communication skills / edited by Owen Hargie. BF637.C45 H284 2019
3 高難度溝通 : 麻省理工最熱門的溝通課 / 傑森・傑伊, 加布列・葛蘭特著 ; 陳琇玲譯. BF637.C45 J3912 2019
4 一起喝杯咖啡吧! : 27道人際溝通與烘焙美食的邂逅 / 劉昭榮著. BF637.C45 L58 2019
5 Speak the way you write and write the way you speak : a guide to effective communication / Grant Moss. BF637.C45 M67 2019
6 Interpersonal communication : everyday encounters / Julia T. Wood. BF637.C45 W656 2020
7 內向者的溝通課 : 把害羞、慢熱、緊張、沒自信化為你的優勢 / 兆民著. BF637.C45 Z44 2019
8 漫畫圖解立即可用的NLP : 激發潛能、完美溝通、成就自己想要的未來 / 藤川とも子著 ; 陳光棻譯. BF637.N46 F8512 2020
9 Face to face : the art of human connection / Brian Grazer. BF637.N66 G73 2019
10 從習慣洞察人心 : 學會識人術, 解決人際關係的所有煩惱 / 林萃芬著. BF698.3 .L56 2020
11 DISC識人溝通學 : 跟誰都能合得來的人際經營術 = Dominance, influence, steady, caution / 蔡緯昱著. BF698.9.O3 C35 2019
12 我們安靜, 我們成功! : 內向者駕馭溝通、領導、創業的綻放之路 / 貝絲・碧洛著 ; 吳書榆譯. HB615 .B8412 2019
13 Communication skills for business professionals / Celeste Lawson [and 3 others]. HD30.3 .C39 2019
14 Conflict resolution playbook : practical communication skills for preventing, managing, and resolving conflict / Jeremy Pollack. HD42 .P66 2020
15 Ongoing crisis communication : planning, managing, and responding / W. Timothy Coombs. HD49 .C664 2019
16 Effective crisis communication : moving from crisis to opportunity / Robert R. Ulmer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Timothy L. Sellnow, University of Central Florida, Matthew W. Seeger, Wayne State University. HD49 .U44 2019
17 銷售的科學 : 科學幫你駭進顧客大腦! 順著對方的決策邏輯溝通, 讓你碰到奧客、壞景氣都順利成交 / [大衛.霍菲爾德 ; 周詩婷譯]. HF5438.25 .H6412 2019
18 Communicating at work : strategies for success in business and the professions / Ronald B. Adler [and 3 others]. HF5718 .A33 2019
19 Business communication essentials : fundamental skills for the mobile-digital-social workplace / Courtland L. Bovée, John V. Thill. HF5718 .B659 2020
20 The business communication handbook / Judith Dwyer. HF5718 .D99 2019
21 Business and administrative communication / Seyed Ali Fallahchay. HF5718 .F35 2021
22 極簡溝通 : 世界一流菁英都在用的最強說話術! : 只要1分鐘, 提案、簡報、開會、主持、洽商, 統統搞定! / 伊藤羊一著 ; 林于楟譯. HF5718 .I8612 2019
23 溝通力決定你的影響力 : 4大原則開啟有效溝通, 進而打動人心、贏取信任 / 蔭山洋介著 ; 陳維玉譯. HF5718 .K3412 2019
24 與人連結 : 成功不是單人表演! 世界頂尖領導大師與人同贏的溝通關鍵 / 約翰・麥斯威爾著 ; 吳宜蓁譯. HF5718 .M38712 2019
25 為什麼我很努力, 卻沒被看見? : 30堂國際溝通課, 打造你的職場能見力 / 浦孟涵著. HF5718 .P82 2020
26 說話零失誤, 跟誰都好聊 / 基姆.佐勒, 凱芮.普雷斯頓著 ; 胡琦君譯. HF5718 .Z6512 2019
27 IBM首席顧問最受歡迎的圖表簡報術 : 69招視覺化溝通技巧, 提案、企畫、簡報一次過關! / 清水久三子著 ; 黃友玫譯. HF5718.22 .S57312 2021
28 Happy Happy溝通力 : 瑞典知名談判專家傳授最強說話術, 讓彼此化解歧見, 達成共識, 共創未來 / 拉斯-約翰・艾格著 ; 胡琦君譯. HM1106 .A5412 2020
29 人際關係與溝通 / 王淑俐著. HM1106 .W36 2019
30 練習自在面對衝突 : 從「意見表達」到「溝通談判」, 不受情緒操控, 輕鬆駕馭衝突、主導結果 / R.W. 伯克 ; 姚怡平譯. HM1126 .B8712 2020
31 拆解人性的四色溝通術 : 瑞典行為教練教你駕馭職場、團隊與人際交流 / 湯瑪斯・埃里克森著 ; 張美惠譯. HM1166 .E7412 2020
32 正念溝通 : 在衝突、委屈、情緒勒索場景下說出真心話 / 奧朗・傑・舒佛著 ; 吳宜蓁譯. HM1166 .S6412 2020
33 說話的分寸 : 說好話, 不如把話說好的7個要訣 / 萬劍聲編著. HM1166 .W36 2020
34 Interpersonal communication / Richard West, Lynn H. Turner. HM1166 .W466 2020
35 An introduction to communication / Lynn H. Turner, Richard West. HM1206 .T87 2019
36 The communication age : connecting and engaging / Autumn Edwards [and 3 others]. HM742 .C646 2020
37 怎麼說, 青少年會聽 vs. 如何聽, 青少年願意說 : 八堂青春期溝通課, 讓孩子敞開心胸、樂意合作、接受指引的對話技巧 / 安戴爾・法伯與伊蓮・馬茲麗許著 ; 金伯利・安・科埃插畫 ; 陳莉淋譯. HQ799.15 .F3312 2020
38 Communication and interviewing skills for practice in social work, counselling and the health professions / Patricia Higham. HV29.7 .H54 2020
39 藤田流插畫思考術 : Brutus人氣插畫家教你圖像溝通、用視覺說故事, 打造獨一無二的創意腦 = Illustration control / 藤田翔 ; 葉廷昭譯. NC960 .F8512 2019
40 Essential communication / Ronald B. Adler, George Rodman, Athena du Pré. P90 .A35 2020
41 Applying communication theory for professional life : a practical introduction / Marianne Dainton, Elaine D. Zelley. P90 .D245 2019
42 Communication in everyday life : a survey of communication / Steve Duck, David T. McMahan. P90 .D8333 2021
43 Communication in everyday life : the basic course edition with public speaking / Steve Duck, David T. McMahan. P90 .D83332 2021
44 Communication skills for the healthcare professional / Laurie Kelly McCorry, Jeff Mason. R118 .M395 2020
45 面對失智者的零距離溝通術 / [作者右馬埜節子 ; 翻譯趙誼]. RC521 .U6312 2020
46 Communication & interpersonal skills in nursing / Alec Grant & Benny Goodman. RT23 .G73 2019