Library Group Study Room Service Regulations
1. All Group Study Rooms are registered on first-come-first-served basis.
2. All members of a group must be holders of valid Student/Library Cards, and a group must have two members or more.
3. On behalf of the whole group, a member of a group may register for a Group Study Room at the Library through the CPCE Facilities iBooking System via campus network.
4. The registration can be made two days in advance limiting to two registered sessions with a maximum of two hours each day regardless of which group he/she is in.
5. The person who registers the Room will receive a confirmation email via his/her College email account.
Duration of use
6. The minimum/maximum duration of each session is 30 minutes/120 minutes, counting from the 15th or 45th minute of each hour.
7. If the group continues to remain in the room after the registered session, all members must be ready to leave the room immediately together with all the personal belongings whenever requested.
8. Cancellation or change of registration is allowed at any time before the start of registered session on the CPCE Facilities iBooking System.
Checking In
9. All members of a group must check in at the Library Counter in person, to use the registered Group Study Room with the booking confirmation email and their Student/Library Cards.
10. All members of a group can check in the registered room 15 minutes before the start of registered session.
11. If a registered session remains receiving no check-in 10 minutes after the registered start time of the room, the room will be released for others to book. The registration without check-in will be forfeited and the quota will be deducted from the registered user.
Occupying A Room without Valid Registration and Check-in
12. All persons occupying any Group Study Rooms without valid registration and check-in must leave the Room immediately together with all the personal belongings whenever requested.
13. All persons must not put their personal belongings in any Group Study Rooms unless they have checked in to use the Room. All unattended personal belongings may be removed. The Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
1. 所有小組研習室,以先到先得原則登記。
2. 所有小組成員必須為有效學生證或圖書證之持有人,每小組必須包含兩名成員或以上。
3. 小組中的一名成員可代表全組透過「校園設施網上預約系統」[必須經校園網絡]登記使用圖書館之小組研習室。
4. 小組研習室可於兩天前登記。不管是那一小組的成員,每天只限兩登記時段,每天最多兩小時。
5. 登記人士將透過他/她的學院電子郵件賬戶收到一封確認登記郵件。
6. 每一時段最少為 三十分鐘,最多為兩小時,以每一小時之十五分或四十五分起計。
7. 若小組於登記時段過後繼續逗留,所有小組成員必須隨時預備於任何時刻會被要求連同個人物品立刻離開該室。
8. 在登記時段開始前,可隨時在校園設施預約系統取消或變更登記時段。
9. 所有小組成員必須親臨小組研習室所在的圖書館櫃位,以確認登記郵件及學生證或圖書證簽到,方可使用該研習室。
10. 所有小組成員可於登記時段開始前十五分鐘,到所在的圖書館櫃位簽到使用該研習室。
11. 所有已登記之時段,若逾時十分鐘仍未獲簽到,圖書館可分派予其他小組使用。沒有辦理簽到的登記將被視為放棄,唯配額將從登記人士戶口中扣除。
12. 所有人士未作有效登記及簽到而佔據任何小組研習室,必須隨時按要求連同個人物品立刻離開該室。
13. 若非已作簽到,所有人士決不能放置其個人物品於任何小組研習室。一切無人看管卻放置於任何小組研習室的個人物品均有可能被移走,圖書館不會負責任何損失或損壞。