Book Highlights - Emotional Intelligence 情緒商數 (Oct 2024)

e-Books / Printed Books

A) e-Books

No. Title / Author Call No.
1 Mindfulness as sustainability : lessons from the world's religions / Maria Jaoudi.
2 Principal in balance : leading at work and living a life / Jessica M. Cabeen.
3 壞情緒, 變好事的5堂正向心理課 : 每天心情不打結, 與自己和解的療癒練習 / 安娜貝爾.岡薩雷茲著 ; 江瑀, 歐宇倫譯 = Lo bueno de tener un mal día : Cómo cuidar de nuestras emociones para estar mejor / Anabel Gonzalez.
4 懂了以後更輕鬆的心理學 : 心理諮商專家精選最有感15個議題, 克服拖延症、完美主義、自卑、過度擔憂的日常練習 / 金惠英, 李洙蘭著 ; 張召儀譯.
5 練習放手 : 致 失去摯愛的人 你不需要忍住悲傷, 與失落中的自己對話 / 蕾貝卡.索佛, 嘉貝麗.柏克納著 ; 洪慈敏譯 = Modern loss : candid conversation about grief. beginners welcome / Rebecca Soffer, Gabrielle Birkner.
6 藍月升起 [electronic resource] : 送你18個快樂處方 / 陳創農作.
7 高情商的刻意練習 : 精準掌握情緒力與同理心, 開啟理性腦聰明回話, 做自己更有好人緣 / 李尚龍著.
8 鬆綁你的焦慮習慣 : 善用好奇心打破擔憂與恐懼的迴圈, 有效戒除壞習慣的實證法則 / 賈德森.布魯爾著 ; 蕭美惠譯 = Unwinding anxiety : new science shows how to break the cycles of worry and fear to heal your mind / Judson Brewer.
9 Listen to your day : the life-changing practice of paying attention / Paul Angone. BF321 .A65 2023eb
10 How to thrive at work : mindfulness, motivation and productivity / Stephen J. Mordue. BF481 .M673 2021eb
11 Be brilliant & shine! love your inner child inspire others : strengthen motivation & self-confidence & charisma, train emotional intelligence mindfulness & resilience, achieve goals / Simone Janson, [editor]. BF503 .B4 2022eb
12 Emotional development across the lifespan / Linda A. Camras. BF531 .C2877 2022eb
13 Instant anger management : quick and simple cbt strategies to defuse anger on the spot / Aaron Karmin. BF575.A5 K367 2021eb
14 Unwinding anxiety : new science shows how to break the cycles of worry and fear to heal your mind / Judson Brewer. BF575.A6 B74 2021eb
15 Power of relax. restart & kill your stress by sleeping : recover & rest against sleep disorders & fatigue, work more efficiently with resilience mindfulness calmness & psychology / Simone Janson, [editor]. BF575.C35 P69 2022eb
16 Happiness / Jeffrey R. Di Leo. BF575.H27 D524 2022eb
17 A happier you : a 7-week program to transform negative thinking into positivity & resilience / Scott Glassman. BF575.H27 G53 2021eb
18 The psychology of wellbeing / Gary W. Wood. BF575.H27 W66 2021eb
19 The microstress effect : how little things pile up and create big problems-and what to do about it / Rob Cross, Karen Dillon. BF575.S75 C757 2023eb
20 Overcoming stress-induced brain fog : 10 simple ways to find focus, improve memory & feel grounded / Jill Weber. BF575.S75 W436 2022eb
21 Emotional intelligence habits : change your habits, change your life / Travis Bradberry. BF576 .B733 2023eb
22 Beyond emotional intelligence : a guide to accessing your full potential / S. Michele Nevarez. BF576 .N48 2022eb
23 Find the meaning of life : agile leading in change with psychology & communication, use employee motivation emotional intelligence & resilience, learn mindfull project management / Simone Janson, editor. BF632 .F563 2022eb
24 Introducing mindfulness-based wellbeing enhancement : cultural adaptation and an 8-week path to wellbeing and happiness / Kathirasan K. and Sunita Rai. BF637.M56 K38 2023eb
25 To Be Like Water : Cultivating a Graceful and Fulfilling Life Through the Virtues of Water and Dao Yin Therapeutic Movement / Margot Rossi. BF637.M56 R67 2022eb
26 What happens in mindfulness : inner awakening and embodied cognition. BF637.M56 T43 2022eb
27 Mindfulness-based stress reduction : protocol, practice, and teaching skills / Susan L. Woods, Patricia Rockman. BF637.M56 W66 2021eb
28 Self lobbying : convince people with communication manipulation techniques & strategy, achieve all your goals, learn public relations the power of rhetoric & emotional intelligence / Simone Janson, [editor]. BF637.S8 S45 2022eb
29 The call to unite : voices of hope and awakening / edited by Tim Shriver and Tom Rosshirt. BF698.35.R47 C364 2021eb
30 Emotion, well-being, and resilience : theoretical perspectives and practical applications / edited by Rabindra Kumar Pradhan, Updesh Kumar. BF698.35.R47 E56 2021eb
31 Lessons for living : what only adversity can teach you / Phil Stutz. BF698.35.R47 S788 2023eb
32 Find your flow : gain passion joy & motivation, concentrate & work efficiently with focus, learn mindfulness resilience serenity & anti-stress methods, achieve goals mentally & win / Simone Janson, [editor]. BF713 .F56 2022eb
33 Lunchtime learning for leaders : 16 ways to grow your resilience and influence / Lucy Ryan. HD57.7 .R93 2021eb
34 The 20% method to achieve all your goals : solve problems in time & project management, work efficient & resilient, learn mindfulness emotional intelligence & anti-stress-strategies / Simone Janson, [editor]. HF5386 .A132 2022eb
35 New laws for winners : invest & negotiate with resilience & emotional intelligence, learn communication charisma & the power of rhetoric, achieve wealth goals, make money, get rich / Simone Janson, [editor]. HF5386 .N49 2022eb
36 Discipline - the secret of success! work & win more efficient : plan project management communication & strategies, learn focus clarity & emotional intelligence, achieve your goals / Simone Janson, [editor]. HF5438.8.T54 D573 2022eb
37 The Routledge companion to mindfulness at work / edited by Satinder K. Dhiman. HF5548.85 .R68 2021eb
38 Coach yourself! : increase awareness, change behavior, and thrive / Antonia Bowring. HF5549.5.C53 B689 2024eb
39 Happiness, well-being and sustainability : a course in systems change / Laura Musikanski [and 4 others]. HM831 .M867 2021eb
40 Back to the source : work more efficiently but sleep well, train resilience & anti-stress strategies for mental health, use psychology mindfulness & emotional intelligence to relax / Simone Janson, [editor]. HQ2037 .B33 2022eb
41 Learning but better! digital education instead of memory training : improve online communication self-motivation & emotional intelligence, achieve goals with anti-stress strategies / Simone Janson, [editor]. LB1028.57 .L43 2022eb
42 The mindful college student : how to succeed, boost well-being, and build the life you want at university and beyond / by Eric B. Loucks ; foreword by Judson A. Brewer, MD, PhD. LB3609 .L68 2022eb
43 The spread the happiness approach : happy teachers, happy classrooms, better education / Shonette Bason Wood. LC210.8.G7 W66 2021eb
44 Sleep & have success. Serenity as a career strategy : learn anti-stress psychology resilience & communication skills, strengthen emotional intelligence mindfulness & self-confidence / Simone Janson, [editor]. RA785 .S544 2021eb
45 Stress information for teens : health tips about the mental and physical consequences of stress, including facts about the causes of stress, types of stressors, effects of stress, strategies for managing stress, family support, and more / [edited by Kevin Hayes]. RA785 .S766 2022eb
46 Mindfulness and meditation in trauma treatment : the inner resources for stress program / Lynn C. Waelde RC552.T7 W34 2022eb
47 Quality check! this is really a good thing : focus on strategy clarity & priorities, make the right decisions, learn emotional intelligence & resilience, say no & achieve goals / Simone Janosn, [editor]. TS156 .Q833 2022eb

B) Printed Books

No. Title / Author Call No.
1 練習的心境 : 學習、職場、人際、教養全適用的刻意練習心法 / 湯姆士・史坦納著 ; 陳繪茹譯. BF151 .S7412 2020
2 那些困擾你的疑問, 心理學都能解釋! / 壹心理編著. BF199 .N3 2020
3 Positive psychology : the science of happiness and flourishing / William C. Compton, Edward Hoffman. BF204.6 .C664 2020
4 改變人生的正向心理學 : 尋找快樂, 追求夢想 / Lo's Psychology著. BF204.6 .G35 2021
5 The Oxford handbook of positive psychology / edited by C. R. Snyder [and 3 others]. BF204.6 .O95 2021
6 Positive psychology : the science of well-being / John M. Zelenski. BF204.6 .Z45 2020
7 遠離! 傷人傷己的情緒風暴 : 3步驟! 修復「關係裂痕」, 覺察「內在自我」, 暖心醫師的情緖管理SOP, 讓你活出自己喜歡的樣子 / 水島廣子著 ; 林美琪譯. BF335 .M5912 2019
8 Emotional success : the power of gratitude, compassion, and pride / David DeSteno. BF511 .D47 2019
9 Emotion : a very short introduction / Dylan Evans. BF531 .E78 2019
10 不要用情緒處理問題全集 = Do not use emotions to deal with things / 千江月著. BF538.C5 Q236 2020
11 點解學校無教過情緒科 = #WhyEmotionIsNotASubject / 崖柏著. BF538.C5 Y33 2021
12 擺脫內耗人生 : 走出焦慮、自責、憤怒、悔恨 ...... 透過有效練習轉化情緒, 讓你停止內在糾結、化解自我衝突, 重新拿回生命主控權! / 于德志著. BF538.C5 Y8 2020
13 做自己的情緒管理師 : 20個負面情緒管理法 / 香港心理學會輔導心理學部著. BF538.C5 Z87 2020
14 1分鐘掃描人心! : 情緒心理學速查詞典 / 澀谷昌三監修 ; 陳聖怡譯. BF538.J3 S5512 2019
15 情緖跟你以為的不一樣 : 科學證據揭露喜怒哀樂如何生成 / 麗莎・費德曼・巴瑞特著 ; 李明芝譯. BF561 .B33712 2020
16 黃金90秒情緒更新 : 頂尖心理學家教你面對情緒浪潮, 化不愉快為真正的自由與力量 / 瓊恩・羅森伯格著 ; 鄭百雅譯. BF561 .R6712 2021
17 解憂手冊 : 40堂解憂減壓課, 助你善待自己與他人. BF568.C5 J54 2019
18 事情沒有那麼糟 : 給不小心就想太多的你的情緒療癒指南 / 凱瑟琳・史密斯著 ; 林靜華譯. BF575.A6 S5812 2020
19 心痛診療所 : 探索內心的自癒練習 / 梁重皿, 馮曉青著. BF575.G7 L48 2021
20 開心有道理 : 破解心理困局的22個快樂密碼 = Psychology of happiness / 經緯文化. BF575.H27 K35 2020
21 The happiness bible : a definitive guide to sustainable wellbeing / Cheryl Rickman. BF575.H27 R53 2019
22 練習不快樂?! : 不快樂是一種本能, 快樂是一種選擇 / 蘇益賢. BF575.H27 S82 2019
23 Together : loneliness, health and what happens when we find connection / Vivek H. Murthy. BF575.L7 M88 2020
24 Manage your stress / Clare Wilson. BF575.S75 W55 2020
25 Permission to feel : unlocking the power of emotions to help our kids, ourselves, and our society thrive / Marc Brackett. BF576 .B73 2019
26 情緒解鎖 / 馬克・布雷克特著 ; 朱靜女譯. BF576 .B7312 2020
27 蔡康永的情商課. 2, 因為這是你的人生 / 蔡康永著. BF576 .C332 2019
28 情緒按鈕 : 告別一觸即發的情緒地雷, 脫離悲傷、憤怒、恐懼的掌控 / 大衛・瑞丘著 ; 蔣慶慧譯. BF637.B4 R5312 2021
29 情緒個性難改, 懂運用更有成就 / 內藤誼人著 ; 林美琪譯. BF637.C5 N3512 2019
30 Stress less, accomplish more : meditation for extraordinary performance / Emily Fletcher. BF637.M4 F54 2019
31 生氣得剛剛好 : 與憤怒共處的正念練習 / 藤井英雄著 ; 周奕君譯. BF637.M56 F85512 2021
32 靜觀生活30天 : 活在當下, 讓身心靈更自由 / 新生精神康復會著. BF637.M56 J56 2019
33 Daily calm : 100 daily reminders to help you build the mindfulness habit / Padraig O'Morain. BF637.M56 O46 2019
34 Mindfulness at work : a practical guide to enhance your focus and attention, achieve better results (doing less!) and improve your well-being / Nieves Rodríguez. BF637.M56 R63 2020
35 A monk's guide to happiness : meditation in the 21st century / Gelong Thubten. BF637.M56 T58 2019
36 給內心總是很累的你 : 20招心智訓練正面化解焦慮、恐懼、不安, 迎接人生自主的新局 / 馬克・費里曼著 ; 尤采菲譯. BF637.S4 F7412 2020
37 The act of living : what the great psychologists can teach us about finding fulfillment / Frank Tallis. BF637.S4 T35 2020
38 再難過, 也終會度過 / 吳若權. BF637.S4 W827 2020
39 Detox your thoughts : quit negative self-talk for good and discover the life you've always wanted / Andrea Bonior. BF697.5.S47 B66 2020
40 強大內心的自我對話習慣 : 緊張下維持專注, 混亂中清楚思考, 身陷困難不被負面情緒拖垮, 任何時刻都發揮高水準表現 / 伊森・克洛斯著 ; 胡宗香譯. BF697.5.S47 K7612 2021
41 意志鍛鍊 : 10個磨練鋼鐵心智、邁向巔峰的海豹部隊戰勝心法 / 布蘭特・格里森著 ; 曾文彥譯. BF698.35.R47 G5412 2021
42 Keep moving : notes on loss, creativity, and change / Maggie Smith. BF698.35.R47 S55 2020
43 象與騎象人 : 全球百大思想家的正向心理學經典 / 強納森・海德著 ; 李靜瑤譯. BJ1481 .H3512 2020
44 願心轉化 / 區祥江著. BJ1486.5.C5 O828 2019
45 安靜力 : 每天10分鐘, 揮別躁動與空虛, 重新遇見美好的自己 / 坎吉育・塔尼耶著 ; 聶雲梅, 周昭均譯. BJ1499.S5 T3612 2020
46 練習好心情 : 讓人際關係和工作都順遂的八十八個小習慣 / 有川真由美著 ; 張智淵譯. BJ1588.J3 A7512 2021
47 在不完美的生活裡, 找到完整的自己 = To become a better self / 艾爾文著. BJ1594.5.C5 A542 2020
48 正念的新理論框架 : 餅乾模型 = Biscuit model / 陳偉賢著. BL627 .C44 2020
49 給不小心就想太多的你 : 49個正念禪語錄, 擔心事瞬間消失 / 松原正樹著 ; 楊玉鳳譯. BQ5405 .M3812 2020
50 怎麼看 = How to see / 一行禪師 ; 張怡沁譯 ; [王春子繪]. BQ9800.T5392 N4544512 2019
51 怎麼連結 = How to connect / 一行禪師 ; 張怡沁譯 ; [王春子繪]. BQ9800.T5392 N4544612 2021
52 史丹佛大學的情緒修復運動課 : 重塑大腦, 自動產生內源大麻、腦內啡, 徹底解放壓力、人際焦慮和孤獨感 / 凱莉・麥高尼格著 ; 劉奕吟譯. GV481.2 .M4412 2021
53 Economic life in the real world : logic, emotion and ethics / Charles Stafford. HB74.P8 S73 2020
54 召喚勇氣 : 覺察情緒衝擊、不逃避尖銳對話、從心同理創造真實的主導力 / 布芮尼・布朗著 ; 廖建容譯. HD57.7 .B76412 2020
55 靜下來工作 : 一位禪師與Google團隊共同開發的七項覺知練習 / 馬克・雷瑟著 ; 劉碩雅譯. HD57.7 .L46312 2020
56 練習自在面對衝突 : 從「意見表達」到「溝通談判」, 不受情緒操控, 輕鬆駕馭衝突、主導結果 / R.W. 伯克 ; 姚怡平譯. HM1126 .B8712 2020
57 正念溝通 : 在衝突、委屈、情緒勒索場景下說出真心話 / 奧朗・傑・舒佛著 ; 吳宜蓁譯. HM1166 .S6412 2020
58 走過黑暗幽谷 : 33個心靈啟示, 伴你走出情緒的困局 / 曾繁光著. PL2974.E63 Z68 2019
59 我, 為什麼會這樣? : 喜歡這些, 討厭那些, 從生物學、腦科學與心理學解釋我們的喜好、情緒、行為與想法, 重啟一趟人類的認識之旅 / 比爾・蘇利文著 ; 鄧子衿譯. QH450 .S8512 2020
60 解憂呼吸法 : 25種簡單練習, 克服負面情緒、睡眠問題、身體疼痛,達到全方位身心平衡 / 艾希莉・尼斯著 ; 陳毓容譯. RA782 .N4212 2020
61 從此不再壓力山大 : 給忙碌人士的紓壓撇步 / 蘇益賢著. RA785 .S8 2020
62 Group : how one therapist and a circle of strangers saved my life / Christie Tate. RC464.T38 A3 2020
63 What happened to you? : conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing / Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey. RC552.T7 P47 2021