Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) Scheme (General Social Science) (84041)
Resource Types
- Printed Books
- Electronic Resources
- Abstracts & Indexes
- Databases
- E-Books
- E-Learning
- E-News
- E-Reference
- Online Audio Books
- Online Seminars
- College Archives
- Current Affairs & News Programmes
- Citation and Referencing Guides
Printed Books
Call No | Subject |
BF1-990 | Psychology |
BF204.6 | Positive psychology |
BF335-335.5 | Habit, adjustment |
BF353 | Environmental psychology |
BF511-593 | Emotions |
BF636-637 | Applied psychology |
BF636.5-636.7 | Counseling psychology |
BF637.S4 | Self-actualization (Psychology) |
BF697 | Differential psychology |
BF698-698.9 | Personality |
BF712-724.85 | Developmental psychology |
BF724.55.A35 | Aging |
BF76.5-76.6 | Research methods |
BJ1001-1012 | Ethics |
DS701-799.9 | History of China |
DS779.46 | Political development in contemporary China |
DS796.H7-796.H795 | History of Hong Kong |
DS796.H757 | Government and politics in HK |
H62-62.5 | Social sciences research |
HA29-32 | Social science statistics |
HB1-130 | Economics |
HB171-179 | Finance and economics |
HB172.5 | Macroeconomics |
HD30.2 | Knowledge management |
HD30.22 | Business economics |
HD30.23 | Decision making |
HD30.28 | Planning. Business planning. Strategic planning |
HD30.3-30.36 | Communication in organizations |
HD31-38 | Business management policy and strategy |
HD42 | Conflict management |
HD49-49.6 | Crisis management |
HD4904.7 | Human capital |
HD5415 | Marketing |
HD58.64-58.82 | Knowledge management |
HD61 | Risk management |
HD62.15 | Total quality management |
HD62.2-62.65 | Management of social enterprise |
HD62.4 | Global strategy |
HD69.P75 | Project management |
HD6958.5 - 6976 | Industrial Relations |
HF1365 | Globalisation |
HF5001 | Business societies |
HF5410-5417.5 | Marketing |
HF5548.7-5548.85 | Industrial psychology |
HF5720.2-5734 | Commercial correspondence |
HF5728.C6 | Chinese commercial correspondence |
HG179 | Personal finance |
HG226 | Money markets |
HM1-1281 | Sociology |
HM1001-1281 | Social psychology |
HM1206-1211 | Communication. Mass Media |
HM1211 | Multiculturalism & Communication |
HM1221 | Public relations |
HM51 | Sociology |
HM585-606 | Sociological theory |
HM621-656 | Sociology of culture |
HM726 | Intergenerational communication |
HM786-806 | Organizational sociology |
HM851 | Information society |
HM861 | Social ecology |
HN731-740 | Social development in China |
HN751-755 | Social policy in HK |
HQ1060-1064 | Population aging |
HQ1075 | Gender identity |
HT151 | Urban society |
HT165.5-169.9 | City planning |
HT170-178 | Urban redevelopment |
HT361-384 | Urbanization |
HV1484.H62 | Elderly services in HK |
HV40-69 | Social work |
HV41 | Human services management |
HV431 | Social services in HK |
JA66 | Political science |
JF1525.E8 | Ethics and practice in public administration |
JF20-2112 | Government and public administration |
JQ1500-1519 | China politics and government |
JQ1500-1539.5 | Chinese political system |
JQ1520-1539 | Government and politics in Taiwan |
JQ1539.5.A58 | Public policy analysis in HK |
JZ1242 | International relations |
JZ1480 | US, international relations |
JZ1734 | China, international relations |
KNQ0-4999 | China legal system |
LB1050.9-1091 | Education psychology |
LB2801-3095 | School administration and organization |
LB3605 | Student manners and customs |
LC191 | Education and society |
N61-79 | Aesthetics of visual arts |
NK1160-1590 | Design |
P302-302.87 | Discourse analysis |
P35 | Language and culture |
P40-40.5 | Sociolinguistics |
P87-96 | Communication |
P91 | Translation for media |
P94.6-94.65 | Intercultural communication |
P96.L34 | Mass media and language |
PE1001-1693 | English language |
PE1097-1400 | English language grammar |
PE1115 | Business English |
PL1001-1960 | Chinese language |
PL1099 | Contrastive language studies of English and Chinese |
PL1099-1241 | Chinese language grammar |
PL1103-1107 | Chinese language grammar |
PL1121-1125 | Business Putonghua |
PL1274-1275 | Chinese writing |
PL2415-2443 | Chinese fiction |
PL2517-2565.8 | Chinese poetry |
PN1993.5.C4 | Chinese motion pictures |
QA276-276.7 | Statistics and survey sampling |
QA76.76.I59 | Digital storytelling |
R601-604 | Chinese medicine |
R733 | Alternative medicine |
RA394.9-395 | Health planning |
RA773-790 | Health |
RA776.9-.95 | Health behavior and habits |
RA784 | Nutrition |
RC435-571 | Abnormal psychology |
RS180.C5-180.C6 | Chinese materia medica |
TR267 | Digital photography |
TR624-835 | Applied photography |
TR860 | Digital cinematography |
Electronic Resources
Abstracts & Indexes | Coverage | Full-Text |
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (via ProQuest)
1973- | Partial |
Varies | No |
Teacher Reference Center (via EBSCOhost)
Varies | Partial |
E-Books | Coverage | Full-Text |
Academic Search Premier ebooks (via EBSCOhost)
Varies | |
Books at JSTOR
Varies | | ebooks
Varies | -- |
McGraw-Hill eBook Library
Varies | |
ProQuest Ebook Central
Varies | |
Taylor & Francis ebook
Varies | |
秀威電子書 (Showwe ebooks)
Varies | |
聯合電子書 (Sino United ebooks)
Varies | |
超星數字圖書館 (Chinamaxx Digital Libraries)
Varies |
E-News | Coverage | Full-Text |
Canadian Newsstream (via ProQuest)
1969- | |
Varies | |
Los Angeles Times (via ProQuest)
1996- | |
South China Morning Post - SCMP (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
1903-1998 | |
South China Morning Post -
Latest 20 years | |
1998- |
E-Reference | Coverage | Full-Text |
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Varies | |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (via EBSCOhost)
Varies | |
Oxford Reference Online
Varies | |
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Varies | |
Wiley Online Library
Varies | |
中國工具書網絡出版總庫 (China Reference Works Online)
Varies |
Online Audio Books | Coverage | Full-Text |
Naxos Spoken Word Library
Varies |
Online Seminars | Coverage | Full-Text |
Henry Stewart Talks: the Business & Management Collection
Latest | Voice & Slide Show |
College Archives | Coverage | Full-Text |
Course Schemes Database
2003/04- | |
Examination Papers Database
2002/03- |
Current Affairs & News Programmes | Coverage | Full-Text |
Newsline (時事縱橫)
Dec 2007-Feb 2016 | No |
新聞透視 (News Magazine)
Aug 2008- | No |
星期二檔案 (Tuesday Report)
Sep 2008-Sep 2012 ; Oct 2013- | No |
星期五檔案 (Friday Report)
-- | No |
星期日檔案 (Sunday Report)
Oct 2008 - Aug 2009; Oct 2010 - Sep 2013 | No |
時事追擊 (News Magazine)
Dec 2007-Feb 2016 | No |
財經透視 (Financial Magazine )
Aug 2008- | No |
金錢世界 (Money Talk)
Dec 2007-Feb 2016 | No |
Citation and Referencing Guides |
APA (American Psychological Association |
Chicago Style |
Harvard Style |