No. |
Title / Author |
Call No. |
1 |
20道資料視覺化難題全解析 : 提案、簡報、圖表、讓數據說話、35個案例現學現套用, 將訊息植入對方心智, 讓大家都聽你的! / 劉奕酉著. |
2 |
A Community of Readers : A Thematic Approach to Reading / Roberta Alexander, Jan Jarrell. |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Aligning social-emotional and 21st century learning in the classroom : emerging research and opportunities / Linda B. Pincham, Becky McTague. |
7 |
ChatGPT光速英語學習法 : 下達精確指令,提升學習效率 / Joyce Park(朴姝映), 韓蔚笙. |
8 |
Christian Academic Writing : Twelve Practices and Principles for Becoming a Successful Writer. |
9 |
Diagnostic report writing in speech-language pathology : a guide to effective communication / Steven H. Blaustein, PHD, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL. |
10 |
Doing qualitative desk-based research : a practical guide to writing an excellent dissertation / Barbara Bassot. |
11 |
Methodological innovations in research and academic writing / Aaron Samuel Zimmerman. |
12 |
New Perspectives on Academic Writing : The Thing That Wouldn't Die. |
13 |
The art and architecture of academic writing / Patricia Prinz, Mercy College New York, Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, University of Iceland. |
14 |
Where's your argument : how to present your academic argument in writing / Helen Cooper & Michael Shoolbred. |
15 |
不學無術 : 從標點符號、期末報告到專書寫作 / 謝世宗著. |
16 |
不會背叛你的K書竅門 : 只要14天,再弱的科目都有救。韓國考生最推崇的讀書導師分享 : 大學.研究所.國考.證照考必備! / 楊筑鈞, 李相旭. |
17 |
丟掉課本之後學習才真正開始 : 啟動學習的9大關鍵字 / 吳緯中, 馬嶔合著. |
18 |
任何人都適用的完美學習法 / 黃莞婷, 高榮成, 申榮俊. |
19 |
傻瓜也會寫論文(量化+質化增訂版) : 社會科學學位論文寫作指南 / 顏志龍著. |
20 |
初學必備!一個月就能和任何人輕鬆聊的英文會話 : 於無形中輕鬆學會日常生活中最常用的英語會話 / 張螢安著. |
21 |
制霸考場!1張紙最強記憶學習法 : Amazon檢定考用書暢銷TOP1!升學考.國考.證照檢定都適用!以「記憶週期」分配複習頻率,打造「記住海量資訊」的致勝學霸腦 / 彭琬婷, 棚田健大郎. |
22 |
劍橋大學教授亞瑟.本森的「大學之窗」 : 美感與藝術.教育之道.簡樸人生,與心靈導師來場跨世紀交談 / (英)亞瑟.本森, 張天紅. |
23 |
十分鐘熱度學習法 : 一句英語都不會說的少女,這樣成為美國律師 / 游芯歆, 徐東珠. |
24 |
向編輯學思考 : 激發自我才能.學習用新角度看世界,精準企畫的10種武器 / 許郁文, 安藤昭子. |
25 |
告別學渣稱號 : 歸納學習法x聯想學習法x點面學習法,35種高效學習妙招,改善低效問題,得分不再是難題! / 王秀蘭, 劉國安. |
26 |
喚醒你的設計魂 : 素養導向專題探究課程設計指南 = Designing and facilitating student inquiry : a practical guide to project-based learning / 李姍靜 [and 4 others] 合著 ; 卯靜儒主編. |
27 |
塗鴉吧!用視覺模板翻轉人生 : 6種框架x4個步驟,學習.工作.時間管理全搞定 / 邱奕霖. |
28 |
大人的學習法 : 踏出舒適圈,以7個習慣與知識逆轉人生 / 趙鴻龍, 宮崎伸治. |
29 |
大腦最適學習法 : 日本腦科學權威教你用視覺x聽覺x觸覺, 激發高效潛能 / 小沼勢矢著 ; 沈俊傑譯. |
30 |
學習不會背叛你 : 首爾大學畢業生最受用的一堂課 / 游芯歆, 金英敏. |
31 |
彈性習慣 : 釋放壓力、克服拖延 輕鬆保持意志力的聰明學習法 / 史蒂芬.蓋斯著 ; 江威毅譯 = Elastic habits : how to create smarter habits that adapt to your day / Stephen Guise. |
32 |
從怕學習到愛學習 : 名校和家長都肯定的自主自律學習 / 張萌作. |
33 |
從網路新聞提升英文閱讀力 : 英語閱讀練功房-網路新聞練習寶典 / EZ編輯部[編輯]. |
34 |
從讀書到考試, 你可以更好! : 找回動力、高效學習, 提高成就感的學霸5大科致勝筆記 / 未秧Winter, 湛樺合著. |
35 |
循環 : 大學學習那些事 / 路小瘋. |
36 |
成功路上闖過困難,實現夢想的人生指南 : 在「社會」大學以「苦難」為師,奧里森.馬登的26堂人生課,跟著本書成為命運的建築師! / (美)奧里森.馬登, 孔謐. |
37 |
打造數字腦 量化思考超入門 : 能解決問題, 更有說服力, 更值得信賴 / 深澤真太郎著 ; 謝敏怡譯. |
38 |
打造第二大腦 : 多一個數位大腦, 資訊超載時代的高效能知識管理術 / 提亞戈.佛特著 ; 陳文和譯 = Building a second brain : a proven method to organize your digital life and unlock your creative potential / Tiago Forte. |
39 |
教育學門論文寫作格式指引 : APA格式第七版之應用 = Guidebook of academic writing format in education discipline : application of APA 7th edition / 林雍智著. |
40 |
最強的一頁報告 : 不知道寫作技巧而加班苦思?專為你寫的入門書, 三星、LG、樂天企業都採用。 / 朴信榮著 ; 賴毓棻譯. |
41 |
機器學習 : 使用Python / 徐偉智. |
42 |
機器學習 : 彩色圖解+基礎微積分+Python實作-王者歸來 / 洪錦魁. |
43 |
每一天,只要比昨天多用功5分鐘就好 : 首爾.延世大學學霸,撼動45萬韓國學子的反敗為勝讀書心法 / 朴成赫, 林侑毅. |
44 |
為什麼優秀的人都有科學腦? : 從邏輯思辨到自我成長, 55種教你突破盲點的科學基本功 / 劉廷植著 ; 游芯歆譯. |
45 |
無師自通的C++語言程式設計 : 附大學程式設計先修檢測(APCS)試題解析 / 邏輯林. |
46 |
無師自通的Python語言程式設計 : 附大學程式設計先修檢測(APCS)試題解析 / 邏輯林. |
47 |
無腦閱讀,知識中毒 : 精讀x泛讀x研讀x巧讀,從孔子到亞里斯多德,88個奇特學習法,獲取知識不傷腦! / 陳良琪. |
48 |
筆記術大全 : 子彈筆記.康乃爾筆記.方格筆記.曼陀羅九宮格......什麼情況用哪種筆記術,學習與工作事半功倍。 / 安田修, 林巍翰. |
49 |
精準閱讀 : 幫助最多人通過國家考試的大律師, 教你進入看得下書的狀態, 同時精準抓重點 / 伊藤真著 ; 林信帆譯. |
50 |
自律學習力 : 從思考到有效行動,從懂事到奮發向上! / 陳怡嘉. |
51 |
英文閱讀技術 = Advanced English reading skills / 周昱翔作. |
52 |
英語字彙力 : 用1400個詞彙打造精準溝通力 / Chris Lele, Magoosh學習集團. |
53 |
西蒙學習法 : 如何在短時間內快速學會新知識 / 友榮方略. |
54 |
認知心理學權威尚.皮亞傑談發展與學習 : 社會化的過程.智力發展的機制.感覺運動智慧,著名心理學家的教育思想 / 尚.皮亞傑, 孔謐. |
55 |
語言、語文與閱讀 / 柯華葳著 ; 陳明蕾編. |
56 |
讀書報告寫作指引 / 林慶彰, 劉春銀合著. |
57 |
讀書的藝術 / 林語堂著. |
58 |
變通思維 : 劍橋大學.比爾蓋茲.IBM都推崇的四大問題解決工具 / 洪世民, 保羅.薩瓦加. |
59 |
費曼學習法,我這樣考上清華 / 張增強(寫書哥) |
60 |
超強記憶學習法 : 用遺忘、複習的學習周期, 加速理解與維持記憶 / 彼得.霍林斯著 ; 林幼嵐譯 = Super learning : advanced strategies for quicker comprehension, greater retention, and systematic expertise / Peter Hollins. |
61 |
超越直覺 : 別讓常識壞了事!解決大問題的10堂思考課 / 鄧肯.華茲著 ; 郭曉燕譯 = Everything is obvious : how common sense fails us / Duncan J. Watts. |
62 |
超越英文法 : 大量應用語意邏輯策略, 以500則錯誤例示, 心智鍛鍊英文認知能力, 一掃學習迷思! = Beyond English grammar / 黃宋賢作. |
63 |
超高效學習 : 超級學霸x跨界學習權威的35個PRO考試秘技 / 芭芭拉.歐克莉, 歐拉夫.修威共著 ; 高霈芬譯 = Learn like a pro : science-based tools to become better at anything / Barbara Oakley, Olav Schewe. |
64 |
轉個念, 解鎖學習密碼 : 用心理學啟發學習力 / 蔡宇哲, 潘怡格著 ; 黃祈嘉繪. |
65 |
遠距教學 : 理論與實務 = Distance education / 陳信助 [and 7 others] 著. |
66 |
邏輯思維基本概念 : 理性決策的各種思考工具 = Logical thinking / 謝志高著. |
67 |
開竅了,學習會上癮 / 李波. |
68 |
閱讀 : 人與世界跨越時空的連結 / 貝琳達.傑克著 ; 呂玉嬋譯 = Reading : a very short introduction / Belinda Jack. |
69 |
閱讀寫作公開課 : 大學老師神救援, 國文上課不無聊! / 王文仁著. |
70 |
閱讀變現 : 一天30分鐘的榨書法, 幫你最速儲備職場競爭力! / 格格著. |
71 |
Critical thinking, idea innovation, and creativity / Richard H. McCuen. |
B809.2 .M33 2023eb |
72 |
The case study companion : teaching, learning and writing business case studies / Scott Andrews. |
H61 .A667 2021eb |
73 |
A research agenda for knowledge management and analytics / edited by Jay Liebowitz. |
HD30.2 .R474 2021eb |
74 |
A guide to administering distance learning / edited by Lauren Cifuentes. |
LB1028.35 .G85 2021eb |
75 |
Data analytics in e-learning : approaches and applications / Marian Cristian Mihăescu, editor. |
LB1028.43 .D38 2022eb |
76 |
AI for learning / Carmel Kent, Benedict du Boulay. |
LB1028.43 .K46 2022eb |
77 |
80 ways to use ChatGPT in the classroom : using AI to enhance teaching and learning / Stan Skrabut. |
LB1028.43 .S57 2023eb |
78 |
LB1028.43 .S878 2024eb |
79 |
Advancing online course design and pedagogy for the 21st century learning environment / Daniel Chatham. |
LB1044.87 .A38 2021eb |
80 |
Advancing online teaching : creating equity-based digital learning environments / Kevin Kelly & Todd Zakrajsek ; foreword by Michelle Pacansky-Brock. |
LB1044.87 .K455 2021eb |
81 |
Acquiring learning skills with digital technology / Charles Westerberg, Tom McBride. |
LB1066 .W47 2021eb |
82 |
Reading for understanding : how reading apprenticeship improves disciplinary learning in secondary and college classrooms / Cynthia Greenleaf, Ruth Schoenbach, Linda Friedrich, Lynn Murphy, Nika Hogan. |
LB1632 .G743 2023eb |
83 |
The dissertation journey : a practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation / Laura Hyatt, Carol Roberts. |
LB1742 .R63 2024eb |
84 |
Keeping us engaged : student perspectives (and research-based strategies) on what works and why / Christine Marie Harrington and 50 college students ; foreword by José Antonio Bowen. |
LB2331 .H3177 2021eb |
85 |
Being well in academia : ways to feel stronger, safer and more connected / Petra Boynton. |
LB2343 .B69 2021eb |
86 |
How to become a successful college student : the tools, habits, and skills needed to foster college readiness / Dr. Scotty Dunlap and Dr. Brian Dudak. |
LB2343.32 .D86 2024eb |
87 |
Essential actions for academic writing : a genre-based approach / Nigel A. Caplan & Ann M. Johns. |
LB2369 .C375 2022eb |
88 |
Writing for university / Jeanne Godfrey. |
LB2369 .G58 2022eb |
89 |
The student phrase book : vocabulary for writing at university / Jeanne Godfrey. |
LB2369 .G63 2022eb |
90 |
Writing the research paper : multicultural perspectives for writing in english as a second language / Philip M. McCarthy and Khawlah Ahmed. |
LB2369 .M3783 2022eb |
91 |
Critical writing : a guide to writing a paper using the concepts and processes of critical thinking / Gerald Nosich. |
LB2369 .N68 2022eb |
92 |
How to use storytelling in your academic writing : techniques for engaging readers and successfully navigating the writing and publishing processes / Timothy G. Pollock. |
LB2369 .P655 2021eb |
93 |
Critical thinking in academic writing : a cultural approach / Shi Pu. |
LB2369 .P695 2022eb |
94 |
Mind your writing : how to be a professional academic writer / Christian Wymann. |
LB2369 .W96 2021eb |
95 |
Becoming a master student : making the career connection / Dave Ellis. |
LB2395 .E55 2023eb |
96 |
Student success in college : doing what works! / Christine Harrington. |
LB2395 .H34 2023eb |
97 |
How to solve a problem : insights for critical thinking, problem-solving, and success in college / Kelling J. Donald. |
LB2395.35 .D66 2023eb |
98 |
Academia's digital voice : a conversation on new approaches to teaching and learning in the post-COVID world / edited by Upasana Gitanjali Singh [and more]. |
LB2395.7 .A23 2022eb |
99 |
10 mindframes for leaders : the Visible Learning approach to school success / edited by John Hattie and Raymond L. Smith. |
LB2806 .T423 2021eb |
100 |
How college students succeed : making meaning across disciplinary perspectives / edited by Nicholas A. Bowman. |
LC148.2 .H69 2022eb |
101 |
Narratives on becoming : identity and lifelong learning / editors, Emilie Clucas Leaderman, Boston College, Jennifer S. Jefferson, Endicott College, Jo Ann Gammel, Lesley University, Sue L. Motulsky, Lesley University, Amy Rutstein-Riley, Lesley University. |
LC5225.P78 N37 2021eb |
102 |
Success in academic writing / Trevor Day. |
P301.5.A27 D39 2023eb |
103 |
Academic style proofreading : an introduction / Roxanne Barbara Doerr. |
P301.5.A27 D64 2023eb |
104 |
Academic writing with corpora : a resource book for data-driven learning / Tatyana Karpenko-Seccombe. |
P301.5.A27 K37 2021eb |
105 |
Writing an academic paper in English : intermediate level / Adrian Wallwork. |
P301.5.A27 W36 2022eb |
106 |
Language acquisition and academic writing : theory and practice of effective writing instruction / James D. Williams. |
P301.5.A27 W55 2023eb |
107 |
What is good academic writing? : insights into discipline-specific student writing / edited by Melinda Whong and Jeanne Godfrey. |
P53.293 .W438 2021eb |
108 |
Exploring grammar through texts : reading and writing the structure of English / Cornelia C. Paraskevas. |
PE1111 .P373 2021eb |
109 |
Grammar and style choices for college writers / Olga Griswold and Jennie L. Watson. |
PE1112 .G685 2023eb |
110 |
A guide to in-sessional English for academic purposes : paradigms and practices / Neil Adam Tibbetts and Timothy Chapman. |
PE1128.A2 T53 2023eb |
111 |
Reading poetry with college and university students : overcoming barriers and deepening engagement / Thomas Fink. |
PN1101 .F56 2022eb |
112 |
Plagiarism in higher education : tackling tough topics in academic integrity / Sarah Elaine Eaton. |
PN167 .E28 2021eb |
113 |
How to read like a writer : 10 lessons to elevate your reading and writing practice / Erin M. Pushman. |
PN83 .P87 2022eb |
114 |
Scientific methods used in research and writing / edited by Mangey Ram, Om Prakash Nautiyal, Durgesh Pant. |
Q179.9 .S358 2021eb |
115 |
Research methodology and scientific writing / C. George Thomas. |
Q180.55.M4 T46 2021eb |
116 |
An Introduction to Statistical Learning : With Applications in Python. |
QA276-280eb |
117 |
An introduction to machine learning. |
QA76.9.D343 K83 2021eb |
118 |
Writing for science students / Jennifer Boyle and Scott Ramsay. |
T11 .B673 2023eb |